Mothers and Wives

Culture prepares women to be mothers and wives. Even if a mother does not want to model her daughter in this manner, her daughter will be influenced by those principles ruling in this mental, emotional, spiritual, and real world. We thus have to accept the … weiterlesen

The 10 commandments of parenthood

In our western culture, there are no longer any ceremonies which help mothers in particular to let go of their children. Many mothers believe that it is an expression of their love to have and maintain a close bond with their children. In reality, children … weiterlesen

About Women

Women often need comforting. Not that they are weak – it is rather a form of tenderness their body, mind and soul is longing for, a connection signalling: you are not alone, I will be with you, I am with you, you can rely on … weiterlesen

Male World

In our dominant world culture, the male world is one of success. Men have to be winners. Men are to provide for their families and to have power. If men are friendly with one another, they will support and help each other in this task; … weiterlesen


Adam and Eve chose knowledge and thus decided to reach God by becoming God. Therewith, with this very first step to knowledge, they forsook paradise, the oneness with God and with nature. Knowledge separates those who acknowledge from the acknowledged. Knowledge is separation, separation is … weiterlesen