North America

North America before contact with Europe Indian settlements have a tradition reaching back 12,000 years with systematic land cultivation beginning around 3,500 years ago. Towards the end of the 15th Century more than 600 different peoples could be counted across North America and what is … weiterlesen

Misuse of Power

Unhinging the World How terrible when the powerful break the law, unhinging the world, spreading fear and terror as laws no longer apply. How dangerous when the powerful believe that the law can be broken thus devaluing law. How unspeakable when the powerful order laws … weiterlesen

11. September

The time shift Relaxation opposes the intense experience of September 11th: war People, who are defending themselves cannot relax. They need tension in order to be able to defend themselves whenever they will be attacked no softness but hardness no flowing but motionless watching out … weiterlesen